Thursday, April 5, 2012

Dentist Appt...

I figured since we finally have dental insurance I should make a valiant effort in taking the kids to the dentist. I always think it is smarter to take them all at once, but then mid-appointment I question my reasoning for doing it this way and then after I always think, "I will never do that again." Until the very next time they need to go to the doctor I schedule them ALL together. What a long, draining process! Anyway they did great for the unknown of who the "teeth doctor" even was. Now I need to stop neglecting my mouth and get myself in. I don't know what is worse though, taking 3 kids with me to my appointment, or taking 3 kids in for their appointment! One of these times I will find out!

Chrissy soo excited. She acted so grown up.

Kayla was so excited, until the x-rays, she then was very unsure of the process.

Cameron was really good, yet didn't understand why a nurse and a dentist had to look in his mouth.

Spring is here!

Don't fall over. I'm just finally posting a blog. Looking at my last post I realize I have a lot of catching up to do. So hopefully I will be able to catch up in the next few weeks. Not a promise though.......mother I will try.. :)

Yesterday it was so nice outside that all I wanted to do was to be outside. So I took the girls on a walk while Cameron was in school on Price's new walkway. Kinda sketchy cause it is parallel to the freeway. I didn't even notice that it was sketchy until Rory pointed it out. Thanks Babe!
After I picked up Cameron I decided to drive up to Helper's walkway. WOW, is all I have to say. I was kind of sad with how awful the parkway looks. It was hard to concentrate on the river and trees, since you have constantly look down at all the bubbles and cracks in the pavement. Nonetheless the kids loved it and loved the "Swinging Bridge." Just being down there made me really miss living in Helper. I love that place! After the walkway I surprised the kids with some Balance Rock Eatery. I LOVE it there! The food is soo yummy and the atmosphere is great! We then met up with Rory at the Park and played for another hour. Of course no pictures at the park. It was so nice to not stress with the time, since I had the day off. I even thought how nice it would be to do this everyday!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

7th Anniversary

For Rory and my 7 anniversary I thought it would be fun to go to a concert. Rory has never been to a concert.. So when I saw Def Leppard and Heart coming to Utah, I thought it would be perfect. I saw Def Leppard probably 12 years ago and had a blast. And if you know me I have to get all dressed up. It was soo fun to crimp my hair again and put 80's makeup on. We had so much fun and had a blast hanging out without our bundle of kids.. Love him and can't believe we are already at 7 years!!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Oregon Trip

These pics are all sorts of out of order, but that is okay. I was just more excited that my computer FINALLY let me download some pics. All these pics were from the first of August when my kids, mother, and I trekked across Nevada to Oregon. Not a fun drive at all. ESPECIALLY since my twins decided to potty train while we were there and it was quite interested driving back through Nevada with nowhere to stop. I mean, we had to stop on the side of the road a couple of times. Don't get my wrong I am so lucky that they were so easily potty trained, BUT they just didn't choose the most convenient time. Makes me really start to think what I am in for when they get older. Anyway, the trip was a blast. We went for a family reunion and I loved seeing a new part of the country. Actually I loved EVERY town we were in.... Kammath Falls, Winnemucca, even Elko. Makes me think of how much I dislike Price and hope to leave there when jobs become available elsewhere..





We were kinda bored one night, so why not get the camera out?
This pic is hilarious and I can't help but post it of her.. Love her.

This was on the way home... They were soo happy, even if it was in between all the potty stops...