Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

Rice Krispy Treats.....

So when the girls were taking one of their many naps for the day, Cameron and I decided to make Rice Krispy Treats. After we were done, he decided that he needed to sprinkle em with Honeycombs. Definitely added to the mix. He is adjusting pretty well with the new changes, but I think he gets bored with his mommy.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Pictures of Twins....

Here are some pictures from the past few days. I am trying to get more pictures going and pages made, but I keep forgetting. The twins are doing great. They are both eating every 3 hours and sleep the majority of the time. And we can tell them apart!!! Big Plus! I'm doing well, better then I thought I would. I'm getting a couple of hours of sleep each night, yet none throughout the day. Its hard to get a whole lot done in the day because my feet are HUGE and I can barely walk. I definitely wasn't expecting my feet to be swollen, and so painful. Good thing my mother is here, but I don't know what I am going to do when she leaves. I guess dishes won't get done and dinner won't get made. Thank goodness for frozen pizza and frozen meals! Cameron will no longer be going to daycare, so hopefully he survives being home with 3 girls and no friends. I think he is adjusting well, but we will see once his "D" leaves. He follows her around and won't let Rory and me do anything for him. He's kinda obsessed with her.
I am open to visitors at anytime, just let me know ahead of time to make sure I'm modest and the house is semi-decent. No sick people though and FYI, I will make you wash or sanitize if you want to hold em. Everyone knows that I'm kinda OCD with that! I will try really hard to get more pictures up in the next few days.