Thursday, May 7, 2009

6 month checkup...

I took the girls in today for their 6 month check up and shots. They are still really little. Kayla weighed 12 lbs 9 oz and 24 inches long, which puts her at 3% with weight and 4% with height. Chrissy weighed 13 lbs 6 oz and 24.5 inches long, which puts her at 7% with weight and 10% with height.

It is sooo different having really petite girls because Cameron was always really big for his age. Shots are still sad. It makes it even more difficult to get one to STOP screaming their head off, just to get the other one ready to START screaming their head off. I told Rory next time he gets to come with me to see what I have to go through each time they get shots....

And everyone will be surprised that I FINALLY let Cameron play with the toys in the doctor offices. I am always opposed to him playing with them because I know how germ infested they are, but today I didn't have the energy to fight with him. Don't worry though, AS soon as he was done, I made him sanitize! He does so well at the doctors, I think because he knows that we aren't going there for him.

After the hour and a half with the doctor I thought I would venture to the post office and then to the grocery store. My arms may look flabby, but I PROMISE there is muscle under there from carrying the twins in their car seats. After the grocery store I had to run to daycare to pay them for watching Cameron on Tuesday, while I worked. When I got home, I couldn't believe it was only noon! I felt like I was out ALL day long!

Now hopefully they will all go to sleep so I can get some shut eye as well.. Wish me luck. ;)


Miss Tiffany :o) said...

Good luck!! I can't believe Chrissy is really bigger than Kayla. Maybe it's just because she was mini when they were born that I think of her as smaller. I'm SHOCKED that you let Cameron play with the toys. I still won't let Hunter and cringed when I called to make his 4 year check up (he always get sick when he goes for his WELL child check ups). Three kids must really have relaxed you! LOL :o)

Aaron [air] said...

Well Miss Amy you are brave doing all that in one day with them. I have to say I have been venturing out more with the three kiddos myself. I admit its not my fave thing always and something always has to happen but its gotta happen sometime I suppose. I have put it off long enough! I cant wait to see you when you are in Price next!