Sunday, June 29, 2008

Tricia Tagged Me!

How To Play This Game of Tag:Post these rules on your blog.List: 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself.Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!

1. Cameron. He is so funny and even though he is in the "terrible two" phase, I love when he will be happy for a few minutes and then all of a sudden completely stop, look at me, and then have a full on red-headed tantrum. He then will continuously look over at me to see if I am "noticing" him, then he will run over and give me a hug.

2. Twins. I love going into the doctor because each time I go in, I get to see my little girls on the ultrasound. I'm so excited to meet the little girls and can't wait to see what their personalities are about.

3. Married Life. I love the Rory is my "rock," along with my best friend. I couldn't be happier in my life and enjoy every minute we spend together, even though I wish we could go on a date night, at least once a month.

1. My crazy pyscho dreams becoming a reality.
2. Finances always.
3. Dying alone

1. Getting my bachelors degree.
2. Owning everything on my "Wish List."
3. Gain a healthy weight, unlike last pregnancy.

1. Making sure the sheets and comforter are "Just Right" before I get into bed at night.
2. Army Wives and Bachelorette
3. Making sure I eat every 3 hours.

1. I love baking, but never can find the time to do it.
2. One of the most relaxing things that I love to do right now is just lay in bed. Surprised that I'm that lazy.
3. I'm running out of clothes to wear.

1. Tiffany
2. Tara
3. Kim
4. Melanie
5. Sarah


Me said...

I throw red headed tantrums all the time, just ask Rory. When did you go to Newport Beach? It looks like Cameron had fun. How far along are you now? I know I ask you all the time, but I keep forgetting.

Miss Tiffany :o) said...

When you and Cameron come over for a playdate next week (okay, so this is your invite...nice huh?)we'll deal with the "running out of clothes fear" because Peas & Petunias has cute prego clothes!! :o)

My Boys, Life's Joys said...

Haha, I loved reading this. Wait, so is the Melanie you tagged me? I've never been tagged before...not that I know of...if it is me...