Sunday, July 27, 2008

Swimming at my D and Papa's House

Cameron had a blast swimming in the little blow up pool at his grandparents house last week. He doesn't understand the concept of swimming suits and always takes em off. Good thing there are swim diapers. I tried to add more pictures but they were just driving me crazy cause I couldn't figure out how to move them where I wanted them to go. So I guess deal with just the one I downloaded. And FYI, I hate Rory's hair!


Charlie and Cassie said...

Hey Amy,
I added you to my blog, thanks for letting me. By the way did I tell you have freakin excited I am for you to have TWINS and GIRLS at that?! I am so happy for you, Charlie wants twins really bad. Do you have any names picked out yet? Hope your doing well, thanks again for letting me add you.

Me said...

Sounds like fun. My Rory shaves his hair off too. What is with those boys? Thanks for the scentsy, I love it.

Anonymous said...

Bobby shaves his head too....not sure why!! I think it is funny that Cameron doesn't keep his suit on!!

Luke and Mary said...

Twins? Holy Cow.. I'm pretty sure I'd die!
This is Mary Frandsen Peacock by the way. I saw your blog and thought i'd check it out! You have such a cute family... and it looks like it will be growing really soon now! Congratulations!
I'm at if you're interested

Aaron [air] said...

I love your take this picture or leave it attitude....some days just feel that way don't they?? Especially being prego.....never fear it will be over before you know it!

So cute that Cameron cant keep his suit on! Savannah loves to let her little bottoms ride up her bum and it is so funny to see! She never seems to mind the wedgie!

Also I agree with the hair. Cody shaves his as well and I HATE IT! I support him but its not my fav look for him!

Anyway I hope you get to feeling great and keep posting the ultrasounds, etc. I LOVE hearing about it. Maybe one day I will update my blog and post some stuff about our pregnancy. I really should get on top of it with it being our last.

Talk to you soon.

Chel said...

AMY! Thanks so much for commenting on my blog so I could find you! I'm SOOO excited for you, TWIN GIRLS!! Wow, that is so exciting! Cameron is so cute by the way, I have not seen him since right after he was born! You guys look great! Hopefully we'll be able to keep in touch a little better now! CONGRATS!