Monday, October 13, 2008

Randoms of Cameron

Here are some random pics of Cameron. It was Community Helper Week at Learning Ladder last week, and his class made these hats. Cameron would not take it off that day. When Rory and I wanna watch TV some nights we put the TV on in our room and sometimes we find Cameron all cuddled up in our pillows and blankets. And the last picture, Rory went to check on Cameron one night and this is what we found. He loves his soccer ball and enjoys reading in the dark, I think he was a little tired this night though!


Me said...

The twins room is soooo cute, I love it! Cameron is a doll, when I was working for Leslie we made those same hats, small world.

Brian and Megan said...

Amy lets do lunch before you pop those babies out! I'm free anytime