Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July

This is the first 4th of July that the Stevens Family didn't all meet up and go camping in Beaver mountains. I was kind of relieved because I'm definitely not a camper, but when I woke up on Saturday morning I was actually bummed that I wasn't in the mountains. It is always nice to get out of your own routine in life and get away for a few days, so when it didn't happen this year I was sad. Hopefully, we can continue the tradition next year though!
So since we stayed home this year, Rory's family all got together at the park. It was nice seeing some of his family. I haven't seen a lot of them since we were married almost 6 years ago. My kids ran around like crazy at the park. I know they had fun, but I just couldn't help but think how disgusting park toys and the sand is. It really grosses me out if I think too much about it. Thank goodness for sanitizer though. So here are pictures from the fun day. Warning: There are a lot of pics!
Park Day

Kayla sure makes some cute faces.

I love his face!

This is what happens when Cameron tries to climb the slide, the girls shortly follow.Doesn't he have the cutest face?
Chrissy loved going down the slide.
Kayla has such a cute grin.

Cameron and Miss Chrissy playing in the sand.
Kayla is obsessed with her daddy. She will follow him around everywhere. Prime example in the picture below.
Rory is such a good dad. I have been so impressed with him and the role that he has played in each of their lives. He loves spending time with them and really enjoys them.

Playing by themselves in the grass...
Chrissy and Kayla
Chrissy very photogenic.
This is Cameron's version of "tag, you're it." He runs, pushes baby down, and runs, while yelling, "TAG YOU'RE IT."
Kayla was so happy climbing all over.
Cameron trying sooo hard.
So proud of himself when he finally made it to the top...

FIREWORKS on July 3rd

Cameron was so intrigued with the fireworks.
I had to lock them in the yard or they would have ran EVERYWHERE!!! And that late at night I'm sooo over chasing them.
Cameron gets so annoyed with all the pictures that I try to take...
Kayla is so stinking cute!
Cameron and Daddy with the fireworks.
Rory thinks he is so cool with the sparklers. He makes me laugh so much cause he is such a dork sometimes.
Look how HOT my hubby is!
Rory and "Yours Truly" We started calling the twins Yours Truly. When it's Kayla, I say "Yours Truly needs you." And when it is Chrissy he says, "Yours Truly needs you." We think we are so funny.. :)

I don't know why, but I think I look a lot like my mom in this picture...
Rory was obsessed with taking pictures of me with the sparklers.


Brian and Megan said...

yes all your kids do have the cutest little faces! I really like Cameron's version of tag. I might be coming up north once this summer to pick up a bed set we got for Gavin if we can't figure out how to get it down here. We should get together!!! I miss you!!!

Amber said...

Ha Ha they are so cute. It looks like they had a fun day :)

My Boys, Life's Joys said...

I totally thought that picture WAS your mom! It took a second look to realize that it was you, then I saw the caption, haha. She's a good person to look like :)

Melanie said...

Okay you seriously look just like your mom in that picture!

KENNARDS said...

you do have a cute hubby, adorable kiddos, and yes, your blessed enough to look just like your mom in that pic! she's a babe. i hope i look like her someday....

Mary Jean Mar said...

I cannot believe how much that picture looks like your Mom. I would have thought it was her twenty five years ago if you hadn't said something.

I love the pictures of the kids at the park! They are growing so fast. I cannot believe how beautiful they are. Love Grandma

Charlie and Cassie said...

cute pics and HOLY COW you look JUST like your mom!!! both beautiful!