Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hot Summer Day...

A few weeks ago I took the kids outside to play in the water. They love being outside. I love it until I end up chasing the kids everywhere, then I get exhausted and think how nice a nap sounds. On this day the Schwan Man came by and he was so kind to give us 5 ice cream sandwiches. I was excited because I was debating whether to get the Ice Cream Sandwiches or the Mint and Chip Cones. I'm SO glad I chose the Mint and Chip Cones! SOOO Yummy! My kids loved the ice cream and sure made a mess of it. I'm trying to relax a little more so the mess didn't really phase me. Here are some pics from that day!

I think Chrissy has more on her face then in her tummy...

Kayla's poor eyes get soo red and swollen when we hang out outside.

My hot husband!

Cameron watering the new tree.

The girls laughing at there messy faces..

Cameron ran up to this plant and started hugging it. He is so cute!


Me said...

It has been so hot, ice cream sandwiches sound so good. The kids are so cute and are getting big!

Richelle said...

Just found your blog from Ady's. Your kids are getting so big! Camping looked like lots of fun! :)