Sunday, April 19, 2009

I like blue ice cream...

So I was extremely jealous of all the people that went away camping or shopping or did ANYTHING fun for Easter. Cause we did the usual and just hung out at home, AGAIN!!! So I forced Rory to go to Bajio (okay I didn't force him, I just complained that we never do anything. Plus it was his night to cook)... After we ate I told him we should go to Maggie Moos (ice cream) for dessert! I told Cameron earlier that day that I would take him to the store to pick out a toy because he was doing soo well using the potty. So needless to say he was not interested in his ice cream one bit, so we stuck his in the freezer. SEVERAL days later Cameron realized he never ate his ice cream and tried to reach up in the freezer to get it. This is how we found him when he was done.... He is SOOO cute! and 1. I am glad we saved the ice cream for him to avoid the meltdown and 2. I am sooo glad he has Rory's memory and remembers EVERYTHING! Okay, some things I wish he would forget!(and yes no clothes again!!! For all you people that think I'm terrible for not making him wear clothes, you should know I am blessed because HELLO that is less laundry!)

1 comment:

KENNARDS said...

we had spent a few month at the end of the year transfering old camcorder tapes onto dvd's (yes, i'm old) and i can tell you that isaac is rarely in clothes. he goes from diaper to undies and rarely any clothes in between! i'm sure the rest of the kids did the same, we just recorded them less!